Lovely, Still-2008
Director Nik Fackler
Starring Ellen Burstyn, Martin Landau
Scott’s Review #543
Reviewed December 11, 2016
Grade: B+
Oh, how I wish this movie had gotten more attention! Lovely, Still (2008) is a small, independent venture, that is Christmas-themed, and set in Omaha, Nebraska.
It stars Martin Landau and Ellen Burstyn as an older couple who fall in love. Landau is Robert, a lonely older man interested in dating again. He meets and falls in love with Mary, the mother of his next-door neighbor.
Before you start thinking Lifetime television movie, the last thirty minutes of the film will shock and fascinate you. A guttural reveal takes this film to a completely different place during the climax, making it a heart-wrenching, and powerful experience.
Landau and Burstyn are wonderful actors who mesmerize scenes together. They have a sweet, innocence, and are in glee, like teenagers, experiencing first love.
My only criticism is the first half of Lovely, Still is a bit slow, but this can be forgotten as the film kicks into high gear.
Also, some wonderful camera shots from novice director Nik Fackler.