Tag Archives: Joshua Sanchez



Director Joshua Sanchez

Starring Wendell Pierce

Scott’s Review #20


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: A

Oh, how I wish there were more films like Four (2012) and they received mainstream support.

Movies like this are why I love and support independent films. Much better than much of the drivel at the local multiplex.

Four is a purely character-driven movie, not at all plot-driven with silly special effects or CGI.

It centers around four people on the 4th of July evening. There are two separate stories and the heart of the movie is the character’s loneliness, isolation, and need to reach out for human connections.

The stories interrelate at times throughout the film.

Exceptional acting is involved.

Four (2012) is an excellent little film.

Independent Spirit Award Nominations: Best Male Lead-Wendell Pierce