Category Archives: Comedy



Director Leslye Headland

Starring Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher

Scott’s Review #22


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: D

I’m not sure how to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with Bachelorette (2012) except for just about everything.

It tries to be a Bridesmaids (2011) meets Hangover (2009) copycat but fails miserably. What made those films entertaining was that they were funny.

This film attempts many jokes and falls flat almost every time. The set-ups are there, but there is no follow-through.

Almost every character is unlikable and hateful to everyone else and there is nobody to root for.

Worse yet, the film is bland. Dumb comedies are not my favorite genre, but this was lackluster.

I adore Kirsten Dunst, but sadly she picked a dud she’s likely soon to forget. Isla Fisher seems to always be in films like this and the male actors (James Marsden, Adam Scott) have little to do.

The talented cast is wasted and Bachelorette (2012) is not worth seeing.

The Lair of the White Worm-1988

The Lair of the White Worm-1988

Director Ken Russell

Starring Amanda Donohoe, Hugh Grant

Scott’s Review #15


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: C+

The Lair of the White Worm (1988) is a very strange film.

Set in Scotland, it tells the tale of a giant snake skeleton found in the ground that leads to a series of strange events.

A wealthy Lady, brilliantly played by Amanda Donohue, begins a sinister plot to sacrifice the townspeople.

The film is campy and way over the top, though Donohue is delicious and seems to have fun with the role of a slithering, sexy, bisexual creature.

The gloomy ambiance is fantastic, mixed in with many psychedelic sequences that entertain.

It’s a somewhat fun, late-night B-movie, to be sure, but the plot did not seem to make much sense to me, especially in the final act.

Lair of the White Worm (1988) is a trippy experience to say the very least. I may need to see it again.

The Apartment-1960

The Apartment-1960

Director Billy Wilder

Starring Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine

Scott’s Review #7


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: A-

The Apartment (1960) is another gem by Billy Wilder (Sunset Boulevard, The Lost Weekend), this one is set in 1959 New York City, a setting and period I just adore.

The black and white are highly effective as they portray the loneliness and bleakness of the characters who are all friendless, sad, and starved for love.

It questions social morality and getting ahead in the corporate world, but goes from drama to romantic comedy, but with no sappiness. Quite the contrary, as the film has dark moments of despair and angst.

The film had a direct influence on the television series “Mad Men”. As with most Billy Wilder films, there is a darkness of humanity, which is fascinating to watch.

Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine are terrific but knocked down a notch as I didn’t exactly see the chemistry between them, but is an excellent film.

The Apartment (1960) won the Best Picture Oscar.

Oscar Nominations: 5 wins-Best Motion Picture (won), Best Director-Billy Wilder (won), Best Actor-Jack Lemmon, Best Actress-Shirley MacLaine, Best Supporting Actor-Jack Kruschen, Best Story and Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (won), Best Sound, Best Art Direction, Black-and-White (won), Best Cinematography, Black-and-White, Best Film Editing (won)