

Director Andres Muschietti

Starring Jessica Chastain

Scott’s Review #112


Reviewed July 15, 2014

Grade: C

Mama is a horror film from 2013, surprisingly starring Jessica Chastain, who one might assume is too high-brow for horror given her recent Oscar nominations.

Mama tells the story of two little girls, involved in a car accident, who survive on their own for years until finally rescued and raised by Chastain.

This film had both positives and negatives.

The beginning sequence involving the girls’ troubled father and the drive through the countryside to the car wreck is realistically done and compelling.

The snow and the drifts have a picturesque and haunting beauty to them.

Throughout the film, some unique, effective visuals create a mysterious ambiance.

However, the primary negative of the film belongs to Chastain.

A top-notch actress, I did not for an instant buy her as a short-haired raven-dyed, rocker chick with tattoos and a tough-girl persona.

It did not work at all.

The story as a whole was convoluted and when the final credits rolled, made no sense to me at all.

As a whole, Mama (2013) was not scary (sadly rated PG-13) but had some nice moments.

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