

Director Edward Berger

Starring Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow

Scott’s Review #1,447

Reviewed October 17, 2024

Grade: A

I was fortunate to see the premiere of Conclave (2024) at our local art theater before most of the public audiences had. I anticipate those talking about the ‘twist’ at the end will be stunned. Having been told there was a ‘twist’ at the start but not knowing what it was kept me wondering.

I’ll say nothing more about the ‘twist’.

Admittedly, the premise didn’t wow me over and I only saw Conclave because of the acclaim and awards season buzz surrounding it.

Heavyweight actors like Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow, and Isabella Rossellini didn’t hurt.

The end product is well written, well acted, and well produced with a tinge of push-pull between liberalism and conservativism that feels timely and relevant.

It’s based on a 2016 novel written by Robert Harris.

The story is fictional and follows one of the world’s most secretive and ancient events, selecting the new Pope. Cardinal Lawrence, expertly played by Fiennes is tasked with running this complex process after the unexpected death of the beloved current Pope.

Once the Catholic Church’s most powerful leaders, most chomping at the bit to be elected the next Pope, have gathered from around the world, Lawrence uncovers a trail of secrets involving the dead Pope, secrets which could shake the foundations of the Church.

They are locked in the Vatican protected from the outside world until the majority chooses the new Pope.

Edward Berger did a phenomenal job bringing the 1930 epic All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) to legions of audiences and a slew of Oscar nominations. All bets are that he does it again with Conclave.

Peter Straughan, primarily a British playwright, writes the screenplay. The action immediately begins with the Pope’s death and most of it is a slow build, and sometimes even a crawl.

Halfway through I asked myself why Conclave was receiving so much notice. Following the conclusion I could not stop thinking about it for days.

Berger/Straughan play their cards close to the pocket throughout most of the running time toying with audiences expecting a traditional, mainstream affair before the rug is yanked from beneath them.

Usually, dramas or thrillers with a religious theme especially centering around questioning the Catholic church run the risk of dismissal or ridicule. I’m anxious to see how this plays out with Conclave.

In hindsight, more than the obvious make Conclave worth talking about after the upside-down ride that results.

Character-driven, Lawrence questions his faith and devotion and doesn’t even want to be the new Pope. We’re not exactly sure why he wants to leave the church. Is he involved in a secret scandal? Could he be in a relationship?

One intelligent scene mentions that a Pope should not be sure of his faith and should question it. Traditions can be tweaked for the times. A conservative leader mocks the Pope for ruining the Catholic Church with whimsical decisions embracing the current times. Another liberal leader doesn’t think he went far enough.

It’s easy to pick up that Berger/Straughan/Harris have Pope Francis, who was elected in 2013, in mind. Having strongly brought more progressive thought to the Catholic Church it’s easy to see the representation.

Fiennes gives a powerful performance as a decent man who tries to do the right thing without favoritism or conflict. He is subdued but strong-willed and the performance is understated. He gives so much to a role that could be mistaken for too little.

Volker Bertelmann composes the score reminiscent of All Quiet on the Western Front with a soft tone, not bombastic, and slowly increases intensity during scenes. The buildup is tense and magnificent.

Conclave (2024) is a human story about humanity and imperfection. It’s also about human complexities, mistakes, and kindness. It magnifies the scope of the Catholic Church and reminds audiences that those shrouded within its wall are not without imperfections.

It also reminds us that even the Catholic Church has corruption.

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