Category Archives: Lucas Till



Director Malik Bader

Starring Lucas Till, Sarah Bolger

Scott’s Review #87


Reviewed July 2, 2014

Grade: C-

Crush (2013) tells a story that has been told since almost the beginning of cinematic history, that of the stalker.

It’s a teen stalker film similar to  Swimfan (2002) and The Roommate (2011), which I admit to having seen and enjoyed as guilty pleasures.

A teen soccer jock injures his knee and decides to break up with his girlfriend to focus on rehab. From this point, someone begins to stalk him and leave secret admirer notes.

Several red herrings ensue and a twist is contained in the final thirty minutes that, unfortunately, if one bothers to look at the cover art on the DVD, the stalker is revealed.

This particular genre is a guilty pleasure of mine so it’s tough to be completely objective.

On the surface Crush is a terrible movie- it is by the numbers, no character development, but just plain old fun.

I suppose it is loosely a remake of the Alicia Silverstone film from the 1990s.

In any event, the appeal (good or bad) was that the filmmakers played this film seriously instead of fessing up to a poor script and playing it for laughs.

The acting is awful, the teen outcasts look like they could easily be the popular kids and made up to appear nerdy, and the film has a Hallmark television movie of the week badness.

But in a goofy, trashy way I enjoyed Crush (2013).