Tag Archives: Jemma Dallender

I Spit on Your Grave 2-2013

I Spit on Your Grave 2-2013

Director Steven R. Monroe

Starring Jemma Dallender

Scott’s Review #30


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: F

I have seen the original I Spit on Your Grave from 1978 and loved it. The 2010 remake was pretty good, but this “sequel”, which has nothing to do with either of the others, is awful.

As horrific as the original was to watch, it was raw, the perpetrator’s motivations were clear, and the subsequent revenge made sense.

In this one the attacker’s torture and abuse for the sake of it with no rhyme or reason and some thinly brushed over “hating Americans” excuse.

Furthermore, the “revenge” pales to what the victim endures so there is no winning moment.

Unsurprisingly, there are plot holes galore, for example, the attackers can transport the victim to another country with no passport, customs, etc.
