Annie Hall-1977
Director Woody Allen
Starring Woody Allen, Diane Keaton
Scott’s Review #48
Reviewed June 19, 2014
Grade: A
Annie Hall (1978) is one of Woody Allen’s finest works and that says something as his list of wonderful films goes on and on (Manhattan, Blue Jasmine, and Interiors) are gems.
Annie Hall is a witty, intelligent, great comedy. It is sharply written, quirky, and neurotic all rolled into one.
Comedy is a tough genre. Romantic comedies are even tougher to get right.
My favorite part of the film is Woody Allen himself. Some might say he plays himself, but he is engagingly hysterical as the neurotic, skeptical, Jewish, cynical New York man named Alvy.
He meets and falls in love with equally neurotic Annie Hall, played by Diane Keaton.
They quarrel, love, and traverse from New York to California and back.
There are some very funny scenes (lobster, movie theater line, and the drive-through Manhattan), and the intelligent, crisp dialogue makes this a top-notch comedy.
Oscar Nominations: 4 wins-Best Picture (won), Best Director-Woody Allen (won), Best Actor-Woody Allen, Best Actress-Diane Keaton (won), Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen Based on Factual Material or Story Material Not Previously Published or Produced (won)