The Central Park Five-2012
Director Ken Burns, Sarah Burns
Starring Antron McCray
Scott’s Review #124
Reviewed July 21, 2014
Grade: B+
The Central Park Five (2012) is a fascinating documentary surrounding the infamous 1989 events of the Central Park jogger, who was raped, beaten, and left for dead one night.
I remember the case well but was too young to know the details and circumstances involved.
Suppose one is to believe the documentary presented. In that case, one is to be outraged and disgusted by police, detectives, and attorneys who railroaded and influenced the youths found guilty because they assumed they were guilty. Youths who were later found to be innocent after years of wasting away in prison.
It saddens me how the media turned the case into a witch hunt and sensationalized the story. What is sadder is this still happens today.
I like documentaries that present both sides, but according to the film, no attorneys, detectives, or police would comment, so I will accept this as truth.
After the youths were exonerated, no apology was ever issued.
It is a sad day when detectives can pressure and threaten someone into a confession. In modern times, DNA evidence has come to the falsely accused rescue.
As with anything, there are two sides to every story, but one can’t help but wonder if the police did no wrongdoing then why not comment on the events?
The Central Park Five (2012) is a shockingly truthful, informative documentary.
Independent Spirit Award Nominations: Best Documentary Feature