

Director James Ivory

Starring James Wilby, Hugh Grant

Scott’s Review #14


Reviewed June 17, 2014

Grade: A

A brilliant film adaptation of the E.M. Forster novel set at Cambridge University during the turn of the twentieth century, it tells the story of oppression and social norms that took place at the time.

It is a gorgeously shot film, with beautiful landscapes, photography, and costumes.

Reminiscent of the British films “A Room with a View”, and “Howard’s End”, it is a male love story during a time when it was forbidden and lives were ruined because of sexuality like this.

The film’s characters make choices: some repressed, others celebrate, with differing results. In the middle of it, all is a beautiful love story.

Maurice (1987) is a timeless, brave treasure.

Oscar Nominations: Best Costume Design

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